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St. Philip the Apostle JNS, Mountview Rd, Coolmine, Dublin 15

News - Junior infants

13th Feb 2024
To get ready for Pancake Tuesday we have been learning the rhyme "Mix a Pancake"....
2nd Feb 2024
The children in Ms. Carroll's Junior Infants have been learning about patterns for...
22nd Dec 2023
We celebrated all our hard work this term with a Christmas party. The children enjoyed...
15th Dec 2023
Junior and Senior infants wore in their Christmas jumpers today and took part in...
15th Dec 2023
The children in Ms. Carroll's class put on a wonderful performance of 'A Wriggly...
18th Nov 2023
We celebrated friendship week the 13th to the 17th of November! We had activities...
27th Oct 2023
We had an amazing Halloween disco! the children really enjoyed getting dressed up...
23rd Oct 2023
Ms. Carroll's class have been learning about different shapes this month. To celebrate...
12th Oct 2023
Ms. Carroll's class went out in the autumn sun and looked for signs of autumn. We...