Access Keys:

St. Philip the Apostle JNS, Mountview Rd, Coolmine, Dublin 15

Welcome to our Class Page

A big welcome back to school to all the children and parents in 2nd class.


We hope you are all keeping well and we would like to say a big hello from

Ms. Healy, Ms. Geoghegan & Ms. Ní Chionnaith


This is our second class page where we post videos, photos, art, children’s work, etc. We hope you enjoy it!





27th Jun 2024
A huge well done to all the boys and girls in second class who celebrated their graduation...
15th May 2024
We read a story outside today and took the opportunity to enjoy the good weather...
27th Apr 2024
Children from 2nd class who have been taking part in the Time to Read programme went...
25th Apr 2024
Some children from 2nd class got to go to the library last week and have a tour....

Class Links...

