Access Keys:

St. Philip the Apostle JNS, Mountview Rd, Coolmine, Dublin 15

Urban Forest


It was a rainy day for the soil prep event - but not as bad as the rain warning had us expecting! Yes, we all got wet and muddy - but sure, that’s half the fun! A little gentle encouragement from the rain to work faster meant we flew through the work, and the volunteers got to have a cuppa and cake as a reward!

Thanks to all of the volunteers, both local and from further away. It was a great day, and we loved seeing so many people engage in the process. Thanks to Cloudforest & Amazon, and all the wonderful students, parents and staff  who joined in. Well done, and see you later in the year for tree planting!!

Stage 2 - Tree Planting Day is scheduled for Tuesday March 5th . 

19th Mar 2024
We were so delighted to welcome back Cloud Forest and all the volunteers. Over four...