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St. Philip the Apostle JNS, Mountview Rd, Coolmine, Dublin 15

Welcome to our Class Page

A big hello to all the children and parents in Senior Infants!

We hope you are all keeping well and we would like to say a big hello from  Ms. Scully, Ms. O' Sullivan & Ms Moore

This is our Senior Infants class page where we post videos, photos, art, children’s work, etc. We hope you enjoy it!



24th Jun 2024
Ms.Moore's class really enjoyed learning about Capacity in Maths this week. Using...
4th Jun 2024
Senior Infants had a wonderful time at Clonfert Pet Farm on their school tour. There...
12th Apr 2024
We had a fabulous crazy hairy day in school today! The children, teachers, SNAs,...
12th Apr 2024
Ms. Moores senior infants have been learning loads about patterns - copying a pattern,...

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