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Welly Wednesday- Falabella Horses

7th Apr 2020

Hi Everyone, 

I hope that you are all doing well and taking care at home.

This week for Welly Wednesday I asked my cousin Claire  to share her videos and pictures with me of her Falabella Horses getting sheared. Her Daddy -Ben is shearing the ponies for her.

Bobby Joe is the name of the brown and white horse and Luna is just plain brown in colour. Bobby Joe and Luna are Falabella Horses. I know they are so small that they look like ponies but would you believe it, they are actually horses. They are one of the smallest miniature horses in the world. 

They are really friendly horses and they make wonderful pets. They like to eat grass so Bobby Joe and Luna stay in the field beside Claire's house. 

In Winter they grow a thick coat of hair to keep them warm. In the colder months Claire takes them inside to their stables for shelter. Then in the Spring as the weather gets warmer they have to have their coat sheared. That's a bit like you letting your hair grow all Winter to keep you warm and then getting it cut in late Spring when the weather gets warmer. 

I wonder if you could find our any information on Falabella Horses? Could you try drawing a Falabella horse? 

Take care and have a lovely Easter weekend. 


Ms. Deery xox