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Nature Challenge!

24th Mar 2020

Good Morning everybody!

Here is your Nature Challenge for this week.  There are a few parts to it so you do not have to do it all today. 

  1. Design and make a bird feeder using recycled materials only.  Fill the feeder with sunflower seeds, peanuts or whatever you think the birds might enjoy (wrens like cheese, robins like oatmeal, blackbirds like apples).  Place it in your garden, high up enough that a cat can't get at it!
  2. Watch to see which birds arrive. It may take a few days before the news reaches them about your new restaurant so be patient!  Try to identify the birds you see.  Check the website Photo Bird Ireland to help you.
  3. Write or draw (or both) a step by step account of how you made the feeder and what materials you used.
  4. Draw or paint your favourite garden bird.  Try painting by just using your fingertips. It's great fun!

Tell your parents to take a picture of your good work.  When school opens again you can show it off to your teacher and all your friends!  

Good luck!