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Ms. Martin's Class

17th May 2020

Hello everyone,

I wanted to show you some of the fantastic work that boys and girls in my class have been doing at home over the last few weeks. I love seeing your photographs and would love to see some more, so keep sending them to our school email address;

Alex has been practising his phonics using his Pokemon; he matched Mewtwo to the sound 'm' and Onix to the sound 'o'. Maybe you could try sorting your toys according to the first sound in their names? Sophia read the story 'The Gruffalo' (which is one of my favourite stories) and drew an excellent picture of the scary Gruffalo. Alan has been practising writing sounds in his copy. Ion has been very busy; he has been outside riding his scooter, practising his drawing and using the computer to practise his sounds. Jessica made an excellent stick girl using leaves, sticks and flowers.

Keep up the amazing work everybody, I can't wait to see some more pictures of what you've all been doing.

Stay safe,

Ms. Martin