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Ms. Deery’s Welly Wednesday

18th Jun 2020

Hi Everyone, 

I hope that you are well and that you really enjoyed all the different activities that we did for Active Week. 

This week I thought I would take a little trip to the farm beside my house and have a look at all the different types of cattle that I could find and share the photos with you.

The real term for these animals is cattle. A male is called a bull. A young female is called a heifer up until she has a baby, then she is called a cow and her baby is called a calf. 

Cattle are really social animals and they like to hang out with their friends on the farm. They are very friendly and gentle. They are very heavy animals and are much bigger than other farm animals.

They like to drink a lot of water and they can drink up to one big bath tub a day!!!They spend up to eight hours a day eating! They like to eat lots of green grass. They are herbivores - that means that they only eat plants.

Cattle have 32 teeth to help them munch through all that grass and their stomachs have 4 compartments that help them digest all that food. They eat a lot!!!hehehe... 

Female cows have udders and that is where the milk comes from. Bulls don't have any udders but sometimes you will see them with big horns on their heads. We get most of our milk from cows and some of that milk is used to make other dairy products like- butter, cheese, yogurts, cream and ice-cream. This link will show you where milk comes from:

Cows have an excellent sense of smell and can smell things up to 6 miles away. They can hear things both lower and higher than human ears can hear. 

Cows come in all sorts of colours: black, white, brown and with spots. Their spots on their bodies are like human fingerprints- no two cows have the same spot pattern. 

Interesting fact- Cows can walk upstairs but their knees cannot bend properly to walk back up the stairs. 

What's your favourite thing about cows? I wonder if you can find out any interesting facts about cows and send them to me? I think these animals are udder- ly fantastic. 

Have a great week everyone. 

Lots of love,

Ms. Deery xox