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Make a scarecrow!

19th May 2020

Hello everybody!

I need your help.  While we have been off school, I have dug the green area at the end of my road.  I have planted lots of seeds and I hope to have lovely, colourful flowers  for the bees and butterflies as well as for the boys and girls who live nearby.  There is a problem though!! Pigeons and collared doves have discovered that flower seeds and vegetable seedlings are very tasty.  They have already eaten 8 broccoli plants and lots of flower seeds.  

So, here is your challenge. Could you design a scarecrow for me?  I do not care what it looks like as long as it works! You can use whatever materials you like. (Think recycling!)  Just remember, he/she/it will be outside!  You can take a picture of it and I can try and make the same myself.  Send it to the

I can't wait to see your creations!

Ms. Williams